HomeSchool Of MedicineMedical MicrobiologyMicrobiology Media Preparation Lab

Media Preparation Lab

In SKS Medical College in SKS International University, we have Media Preparation Lab in a Microbiology Department.It provides students with the practical skills needed to prepare, sterilize, and store various types of media used in bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology. This lab has very well developed infrastructure such as workstations, storage and sink area. Major equipment includeAutoclavesfor sterilizing media, glassware, and equipment using steam under pressure, Water Baths for melting solidified agar and maintaining media at specific temperatures, Hot Plates and Magnetic Stirrersfor dissolving media components and ensuring uniform mixing, Balances likeAnalytical and top-loading balances for accurately measuring chemicals and reagents, pH Metersfor measuring and adjusting the pH of media solutions, Microwave Ovensfor quick heating and melting of media, Dispensing Apparatussuch asAutomated or manual dispensers for pouring media into petri dishes, test tubes, or flasks, Refrigerators and Cold Storagefor storing prepared media and temperature-sensitive ingredients.Glassware includes Pipettes, Petri dishes, Test Tube & Flask, Slides and cover slips.Safety Equipment includes Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as Lab coats, gloves, and safety goggles, Biological Safety Cabinets for handling pathogenic bacteria safely, Emergency Equipment like First aid kits, fire extinguishers, and eye wash stations. Our senior professors provideessential skills and knowledge to our budding doctors, which is needed to prepare and utilize culture media for the study and diagnosis of microbial infections.