College of Ayurveda in SKS International University, Mathura has the department of Dravya Gun Vigyan which focuses on the study of medicinal plants, their properties, therapeutic uses, and pharmacological actions according to Ayurvedic principles. Department of Dravyaguna Vigyan focus on Detailed study of various medicinal plants, including their botanical identification, properties (Guna), tastes (Rasa), post-digestive effects (Vipaka), potency (Virya), and therapeutic effects (Prabhava). Understanding the pharmacological actions of Ayurvedic drugs, their effects on the body, and mechanisms of action. Study of different Ayurvedic formulations such as Churna (powder), Kwatha (decoction), Avaleha (confection), and others. Exploration of interactions between Ayurvedic herbs and modern pharmaceuticals. It also includes Methods of standardizing Ayurvedic drugs and ensuring their quality, safety, and efficacy.

1. Dr. Bhupesh Sharma Professor Dravya Guna Vigyana
2. Dr. Raghavendra R. Bhat Professor Dravya Guna Vigyana
3. Dr. DebashisPanigrahi Associate  Professor Dravya Guna Vigyana