HomeSchool Of Medicine24*7 Emergency

24*7 Emergency

In Emergency Department there is Triage area where our experienced medical professionals, prioritizing patients based on the severity of their condition and ensures that the most critical cases receive immediate attention. Triage categorizes patients into different levels of urgency, enabling our medical professionals to allocate resources effectively.
The Emergency Department has well equipped ICU dedicated to providing intensive care for patient, where our experienced doctors provide immediate medical care to patients in critical condition. Emergency ICU equipped with essential tools and resources, and they are designed to stabilize patients before further assessment or transfer. They serve as a frontline response to medical emergencies, offering rapid interventions to save lives. Emergency ICU is staffed by trained healthcare professionals adept at handling urgent situations with precision and accuracy. The Emergency Department has equipped Emergency Ward, providing short-term monitoring and assessment of patients.Equipped with monitoring equipment and staffed by experienced Medical Professionals, it ensures timely intervention and appropriate management of patients' conditions.In Emergency Department, there is well equipped dedicated Major/Minor OT. Where, our experiences senior doctors operate emergency surgeries with high success rate.
The emergency department in SKS Medical Hospital under the SKS Medical college having a safe and effective separation area for infectious patients, reducing the risk of infection spread and ensuring the safety of both patients and healthcare providers. Within separation area there is dedicated entrance/exit , Negative Pressure Rooms which help contain airborne pathogens by ensuring that air flows into the isolation room but not out of it, Anterooms which is small rooms between the main corridor and the isolation room where staff can put on and take off personal protective equipment (PPE), High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters to clean the air before it is recirculate or exhausted outside, there is Easily accessible hand washing stations both inside and outside the separation area.