College of Ayurveda in SKS International University, Mathura has well developed Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana .T his department focuses on Ayurvedic pharmaceutics, including the preparation, formulation, and standardization of Ayurvedic medicines. The study encompasses both herbal and mineral-based formulations. Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana focus on Study of Ayurvedic alchemy and the use of minerals and metals in medicine, including purification (Shodhana), incineration (Marana), and other processes to make them suitable for therapeutic use. Study of Ayurvedic pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical formulations, including preparation of various dosage forms like Swarasa (juice), Kwatha (decoction), Churna (powder), Vati (tablets), Avaleha (confection), and Bhasma (calcined preparation). Methods for ensuring the safety, efficacy, and standardization of Ayurvedic medicines. Monitoring the safety of Ayurvedic medicines and managing adverse effects & Understanding the regulations governing the preparation and distribution of Ayurvedic medicines.

 Dr. VaishaliArvindTarudkar Professor Rasa Shastra & Bhaisaiya Kalpna
Dr. Atul DnyandeoSanap Professor Rasa Shastra & Bhaisaiya Kalpna
 Dr. NareshBhardwaj Assistant  Professor Rasa Shastra & Bhaisaiya Kalpna
Dr. Rashmi Sharma Associate  Prof. Rasa Shastra & Bhaisaiya Kalpna